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SEO audit services in Pakistan

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When you are tired of dealing with website issues

At the time when you get frustrated by investing all of your resources into the website and get uninspiring results and no clear path forward, you need to hire us to get help for:

  • Low Search Rankings
  • Declining Organic Traffic
  • Duplicate Content Problems
  • Slow Page Load Speeds
  • High Bounce Rates
  • Weak Backlink Profile

Are you finding it difficult to improve your rankings, increase traffic, and boost conversion rates? Don’t allow site issues to hurdle your digital growth. Stay with “Epik Funnel” to ensure your website remains healthy and high-performing with regular audits.

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Creative SEO Audit Solutions

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“Epik Funnel” offers complete SEO site audit services in Pakistan that is designed to pinpoint and resolve errors and gaps of website. Our team of experienced SEO specialists conducts an in-depth analysis of both the technical and content aspects of your website. And then they identify all factors that affect your search visibility.

In order to get proper information to enhance your search engine performance and take charge of a data-driven SEO audit report, you are required to consider us. Contact our SEO audit team today to start a comprehensive SEO page audit.

Understand the need for SEO audit services

Make your website up-to-date as well as engaging

All and sundry know that user behavior and search engines both evolve as rapidly as one can think. So, without regular website audits, your website errors become bigger. Also, providing irrelevant content damages your search visibility.

Therefore, by conducting a complete SEO page audit, brands will receive valuable insights into their website’s current health. This helps brands to make a customized strategy to achieve higher search rankings and increased revenue. And we are here to do this complete SEO audit in Pakistan. Moreover, our comprehensive SEO site audit services offer you the ability to:

Enhance (UX) user experience

First of all our team identifies the issues of website that is frustrating your users as well as page visitors. And then we add such elements that provides better user experience and customer satisfaction.

Enhance online visibility

At “Epik Funnel” our SEO team offers website audit to enables both on-page and off-page elements that affect your local and global search rankings, helping you reclaim lost positions and boost overall visibility.

Stay ahead of algorithm changes

We know that all search engines regularly update their algorithms. So, an SEO website audit helps you keep up with these changes. This audit also helps you in ensuring that your website maintains high rankings.

Enhance content relevance

Our audit team also ensure that website audits identify content gaps, elements that miss match with user expectation, and optimization requirements for effectively target relevant keywords and topics.

Reduce penalties and risks

“Epik Funnel” knows that violating search engine guidelines can lead websites to penalties that harm your rankings. So, our SEO site audit helps you identify and fix website errors and stay risk-free.

Achieve Long-term success

Our technical SEO audit services in Pakistan provide clear guidance for website improvements. This data also empowers you to make informed decisions for your ongoing digital marketing strategies.

Website audit services in Pakistan that provide results

Be our next success story

“Epik Funnel” is a trusted SEO audit agency in Pakistan that offers complete analysis with all-inclusive website audit services.

We are top of the list with a proven track record of achieving profitable outcomes for online businesses across various industries. Moreover, “Epik Funnel” is your SEO partner for sustainable digital success.

Discover how our SEO audit team has assisted major industry players in optimizing site performance and increasing conversion rates.

Shoe Company Growth

+350% Inbound Leads

We were unaware about the technical issues that cause hindrance for getting qualified leads and traffic. And website audit that “Epik Funnel” provides would help us to eliminate such errors.

Shoe Company

  1. +350% – Inbound leads
  2. +790 % – Conversion value

Truck Dispatching Company

+180% in Qualified Leads

“Epik Funnel” is an SEO audit agency that performed a complete website audit for our online company and suggest best approach for improvement of our website ranking.

Truck Company

  1. +320% – Organic traffic
  2. +180% – Qualified lead

Ladies Boutique

+550% in Monthly Leads

We observe that the “Epik funnel” audit improves our onsite SEO efforts and reveal opportunities for getting improved ranking online. They also help in creating best local SEO strategies.

Ladies boutique

  1. +550% – Monthly leads
  2. +160% – (CTR) click-through-rate

You need to think carefully as your online visibility indicate your business future. So, do not take a chance to hire us for your website audit!

Epik Funnel SEO Audit Services in Pakistan

Here are our listed Services

On-Page SEO Audit Service in Pakistan

In this audit, we provide all sorts of Page audits, analyses, and reports that include suggestions, action points, and recommendations. We have AI-based and manual-on-page SEO audit reports. You will get ideas for Meta tags, titles, Meta descriptions, keyword mapping, keyword proximity, LSI, and semantic analysis. Furthermore, sitemaps, schema tags, content length, keyword stuffing, image alt tags, and URL structure of the website are monitored.

Off-Page SEO Audit Services in Pakistan

In Off Page SEO, we offer detailed reporting of backlinks, their spam score, authority incoming backlinks, domain authority, page authority, spam score, URL rating and social signals of the website from where you are getting backlinks. Backlinks are the backbone of SEO; right anchor text distribution, authority backlinks, competitor’s backlinks audit, and checking of current backlink profiles help us know the improvements.

Technical SEO Audit Services in Pakistan

This audit helps site owners and webmasters understand the issues on the website. Next to this, technical SEO Audit includes the sitemap optimization, robots.txt, redirect chains, URL structures, schema tags, Og tags, Twitter card tags, duplication in any SEO tag, crawl ability, accessibility, dynamic nature of website, core web vitals, responsiveness, mobile SEO fixes, formatting, readability, event installations, Google tag manager and Google Merchant account analysis.

Content and articles SEO audit

We check the proper optimization of content, right placement of keywords and keywords density, use of LSI and semantic analysis of content. Thin, AI based content and low quality content never help you in ranking and count as thin or spam content. In content audit we append recommendations about the content schedule, repurposing and share ideas to improve content. Content length, requirement, and quality, in-depth nature helps us in ranking.

Local SEO Audit Service in Pakistan

In the Local SEO audit, we check the NAPU consistency, optimize for new me queries, placement of geo-target tags, and Google My Business listing and optimization. In addition to this, we will tell you the current online business status and the improvement in local pack rankings. In local SEO audits, we suggest local keyword mapping, review acquisition, and techniques to increase the number of calls and direction button clicks. This helps you in ranking in local packs.

Video SEO Audit Service in Pakistan

We check the keyword research, video title optimization tips, video description analysis, and the use of tags in videos. Next to this, we carefully examine and test the videos, bounce rate, video forward, backward points, thumbnail quality, competitors ranked videos analysis, video length, closed captions and subtitles, engagement metrics, back linking of videos, and embedding of videos on relevant website pages. The audit report tells about social media engagements, analysis, and suggestions.

International SEO audit in Pakistan

In the International SEO audit report, we tell about the target market research, language optimization as per the target area, href language tags, check ccTLD, country-specific domains and subdirectories, content localization, keyword research, and their volume in the target market, mobile optimization, search engine preferences in that country, social media presence, legal and compliance considerations, and international competitors analysis. This report tells you everything required in international SEO.

E-commerce SEO Audit Services in Pakistan

Ecommerce SEO is something different than a local SEO, it focus on conversions and better ROI. We audit the website usability, its speed tests, performance evaluation, SEO scores, product landing pages and archive pages analysis, checkout process and its ease, cart abandonment analysis, analytics, tracking, social proofs, website structures, reviews acquisition, online reputation, trust of customers, and policies of a website for ecommerce use.

Website SEO factors Audit in Pakistan

This is a complete SEO audit report that includes the on-page, off-page, technical, local, e-commerce, video, international, and e-commerce SEO audit. We also do AB tests in this, measuring the UI and UX of the website using Microsoft Clarity, crazy egg, Yoast, Hot Jar, Hootsuite, VWO, and expert judgment and polling. Furthermore, we use Hub Spot, Power BI, advanced Excel formulas, and SEO tools for Excel, and we present data in the most understandable way, like Google Data Studio.

Website UI and UX testing Audit in Pakistan

In this audit, we do provide a comprehensive report that includes the session recording, hypothesis building, problem statement, suggested solutions, and implementation techniques. We conduct user research, usability testing, navigation assessment, menu structure, visual design evaluation, responsive design testing, content clarity, forms and input fields, load speed optimization, accessibility evaluation, analytics review, competitor comparison, documentation, and reporting.

Google search console Audit and explanation

Websites that have hundreds of issues and errors in Google search consoles don’t rank. We analyze all the errors, find the root cause, and provide you with a detailed analysis report. This report tells you about lots of hidden fixes on your website, and we will fix them accordingly. We periodically check the performance, indexing, crawlability, sitemaps, no index pages, video submission, core web vitals, and Google merchant fixes in the search engine. We make GSC empty and error-free.

Google Analytics audit and suggestions in Pakistan

GA4 is based on data streams, and we set events, track, and schedule reports for you. In this way, you get all the reports in Google Data Studio in one place. GA4 tracking analysis and analysis of enhanced e-commerce integration, key events tracking, sales funnel abandonment tracking, and automated reports setting are what we are offering. We also set GA properties for websites and iOS and Android apps.

Current SEO ranking Audit in Pakistan

In an SEO ranking audit, we gather data and make a report that tells you keywords, ranking, SERP analysis, keywords intention, ranking snippet, and current ranking in different regions. You get the % of keywords improved, declined, and targeted and new keywords added in the Google index report. This report is used for future reference, and you can easily set your targets, find the relevancy of keywords, and draw the main business decision and outcomes from it.

Conversion rate optimization Audit in Pakistan

Conversion is the first and foremost goal of every single online business, and we are here to improve it. CRO includes the experience of the customers, so we can directly target the website and UX. We audit the traffic sources, user experience flow, and drop-off points, check goals, and set up tracking and landing page analysis in reports. CTA evaluations, form optimizations, UX assessment, Trust signals, security, and social proofs of website. Visual designs, page speed, exit intent analysis, customer journey mapping, feedback, retargeting, and monitoring are part of an audit.

Click through rate Audit in Pakistan

In click-through rate optimization, we set the titles, add power words, and make the dominant by adding schema tags on the website. A good CTR indicates that people are clicking on the website in Google search results and that you are getting inbound traffic on the website. In this audit report, we analyze all the old titles, Meta descriptions, and SERP analysis, suggest the new titles with the right schema tags, and remove the duplicate tags. Good CTR is better for the website.

Competitors Analysis Audit in Pakistan

We do a thorough competitor analysis and keep a strict eye on them. As a result, you get new ideas, contend gaps, link-building opportunities, and branding. Competitor analysis is mandatory for growth, and this audit is actually a comparison of your site and competitors. In this audit, we identify the competitors, check marketing positioning products and services comparison, SEO comparison, content strategy, social media presence, pricing strategies, SWOT analysis, UX comparison, and community engagement, and suggest actionable points to you.

Link Gap Audit in Pakistan

Links are important if they are quality backlinks, and we audit all your backlinks. We suggest you understand the toxicity of backlinks, describe their spam score, and audit reports explain all this in visual form. On the basis of the audit report, link builders and project managers decide to disown or retain the backlinks. So, we suggest you optimize the backlinks profile and build online authority. We also suggest link-building opportunities with respect to the competitors.

Screaming Frog and Crawlers Audit in Pakistan

This is a tool-based SEO audit report for a website, and we audit thousands of micro and macro SEO factors and suggest a detailed overview. Based on these suggestions, we will resolve them and improve the health score of your website. This tool suggests all the onsite and technical factors that are important in the SEO industry. This crawler actually crawls the whole website, uses a lot of resources draw, with the visual presentation of errors, and suggests doable things.

Https and security Audit in Pakistan

Website security and SSL implementation actually reduce the hacking attacks and prevent the site from being hacked. In this audit, we especially focus on and check the security and HTTPS installation on the website. Furthermore, we evaluate the user’s trust in the website. Users trust websites that have proper security and authority. U secure sites have less number of users, and customers always stay away from entering in any financial transactions. Make your sites secure and reliable now.

Penalty Audit in Pakistan

Google has lots of updates for Google search results; some of them are core, and some of them specifically target SEO factors. Thus, we check in an audit whether your website is being penalized or not, and we check which penalty of update hit the website at what intensity. Then, we suggest the right solutions and recover the website from penalty. We are website doctors, and we have a recovery specialist team. We mention all such things in the penalty audit report.

Structured data and sitemaps Audit in Pakistan

Structure data analysis tell us errors and wrong implementation of schema tags on the website. We check the suitability of schema tags, there are hundreds of types of schema tags that could be implement on a webpage. We implement the right schema tag and make your site more value able in Google as well as customer eye. Furthermore, we check the sitemap factors, properties, and write a report for specifically for the schema tags implementation.

Reviews report Audit in Pakistan

In this report, we check the reviews and analyze them. First, we audit and suggest solutions to avoid getting negative reviews, and then we focus on clients. By providing the right customer support and fixing their issues, online businesses get better reviews. Reviews build online authority and shoot online sales. Customers love to read reviews, and our audit report tells you how to improve reviews and encourages customers to write reviews.

Heat Maps and Behavior Audits in Pakistan

We conducted a heat map test on the website, which could be clicking the heat map, scrolling the heat map, moving the map, and checking the behavior of the website. Such help can be obtained from third-party tools like Hot Jar, Crazy Egg, and Microsoft Clarity, as well as analyses of the engagement areas on the website. We conduct A/B tests and map user journeys, session recordings, funnel analyses, user feedback, and associability assessments and then combine all this data. With the help of this report, you make the best decisions.

Complete Website Audit

Get Complete website Audit and recomendations. 

Epik Funnel's SEO Audit Process

A step-by-step SEO audit process

Step 1

Set goals and objectives

Defining objectives is the most important and initial step in an SEO audit because it sets a clear direction for your efforts. So, at “Epik Funnel,” we first communicate with our client, identify what type of audit is required by our client, and then define specific goals accordingly. We set different goals, such as time-based goals and purposes of SEO audits. For example, improving search rankings, boosting website traffic, or resolving technical issues. And in this way, we create a framework for your audit.

Step 2

Check website crawl:

Using tools like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console is an essential second step in your SEO audit service in Pakistan. These tools help us to identify critical technical issues that can impact your site’s performance and search visibility. This step allows us to implement targeted fixes that enhance your overall SEO strategy. For example, if we want to check the schema tags of a website, then these schema testing tools help us to identify whether schema is implemented or not.

Step 3

Technical SEO check:

In this step, we focus on such aspects of your website that affect its performance and visibility in search engines. Here are key areas to consider: verify crawlability and indexing, check mobile-friendliness and page speed, ensure HTTPS is implemented, and review structured data (schema markup). After crawling the websites, we get reports about errors and root causes that need to be fixed. If we find schema tags are not implemented on the website, then our technical team lists this error and starts work on it.

Step 4

On-Page SEO analysis:

On-page SEO analysis is a crucial step in our SEO audit services at “Epik Funnel”. This process involves evaluating individual web pages to ensure they are optimized for both search engines and users. However, our goal is to enhance visibility, improve user experience, and drive organic traffic. Our SEO audit teams deeply examine different online factors, including meta title, description, structure, URL, huarache, keywords, mapping, internal linking, menu, and UIUX. And then, we create a list of errors that need to be fixed as soon as possible.

Step 5

Local SEO error:

All and one knows that local SEO is essential for businesses targeting specific geographic areas. So, at “Epik Funnel,” we conduct a thorough analysis to identify and rectify local SEO errors. This step helps enhance your visibility within the community, attract more customers, and improve your online reputation. We check the inconsistent NAPU information. For example, if we find any wrong citations for names, addresses, phone numbers, or URL format changes, then we make a report of it. In this way, we go toward fixes.

Step 6

Competitor analysis:

Competitor analysis is the sixth step of SEO audit services at “Epik Funnel”. Understanding your competitors is sometimes very important, so our experts use various competitor analysis tools to get valuable information about competitors. Such information would help brands to identify opportunities and refine SEO strategies. We use SEM rush to find out the list of our competitors. After that, we start the analysis of our competitors by comparing their website with our website and finding out the gaps, and then we fix all such things.

Step 7

Analytics and user behavior:

Understanding analytics and user behavior is a seventh step in our SEO audit services at “Epik Funnel”. We test the behavior of website users with the help of analytics, Microsoft clarity, VWE, and google tag. Our expert also use A/B testing for checking the user behavior. Then we measure this on google analytics and then we do the math. We uncover information about how users interact with your website, identify areas for improvement, and make decisions to enhance your overall SEO efforts.  

Step 8

Action plan:

Making the action plan is last step of SEO audit services at “Epik Funnel”. It is a steps where we make a plan about fixing all the bugs and errors that we found in previous steps. So our team create a strategic roadmap to improve your website performance. By summarizing all the issues and prioritizing the fixes we would be able to set a benchmark for brand to check there websites again and again for these issues and fix them timely.

The SEO audit service that we offer would cover a complete process so that nothing would be missed and you would gain a real picture of the errors of your website.

Your Title GoesWhy Choose "Epik Funnel" for SEO audit services in Pakistan Here

End-to-End Solutions from analysis to implementation

“Epik Funnel” is dedicated to delivering complete SEO audit services in Pakistan that empower your online businesses. So, we are here to serve all online businesses, from startups to large enterprises. And our experts are skilled enough to maximize the traffic and conversion potential of your online businesses.

Our expert team in Pakistan is specializes in a guiding you through every step of the audit process. And from in-depth analysis to actionable execution we would stay with you. So, in order to find out how our SEO audit services can pave the

Detailed website audit with "Epik Funnel."

At “Epik Funnel,” our certified SEO expert in Pakistan uses best tools and a data-driven processes to find out hidden issues affecting your website’s performance. We carefully examine every element of your website, from technical to content and onsite factors. This helps to create solid plans that drive results. So, let us help you to enhance your online presence and achieve your online business goals.

Doable Recommendations with "Epik Funnel"

At “Epik Funnel,” we not only identify issues, but we deliver a complete SEO audit report. Our team provides specific, prioritized recommendations based on traffic of website and revenue of your online business. However, it also help you to empower your website with more high-value visitors and maximize your online impact. Let us guide you toward effective solutions that drive measurable results.

Dedicated Project Manager at "Epik Funnel"

At “Epik Funnel,” we assign a dedicated project manager to oversee your SEO audit, providing you with a single point of contact throughout the process. This personalized service ensures streamlined communication, efficient project coordination, and a deep understanding of your unique goals, helping us deliver tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. Experience the difference of dedicated support as we enhance your online presence together.

The result-driven approach of "Epik Funnel."

We at “Epik Funnel” follow a result-driven approach that ensures SEO audit provides a complete and comprehensive plan not only to measure the current situation of the website but also to let you know how to make improvements. Our experts also make a strategy for the improvement of your online business and assist you in getting more relevant traffic on your website. So, by focusing on our strategies, you will easily double your revenue as we create long-term success for your business.

In-house SEO experts of "Epik Funnel."

For online projects that need expertise and experience to rank at the top results, you must contact us. At “Epik Funnel,” our in-house team of SEO audit professionals brings extensive experience and expertise to every project. We stay on top of the latest industry trends, ensuring our website audit services are aligned with the strategies we make. You can trust us to optimize your funnel effectively and drive results. On the other hand, we provide audit reports along with suggestions for improvements that help online brands to eliminate errors.

"Epik Funnel" promises to provide proven results

We proudly say that at “Epik Funnel,” our team has completed thousands of successful website audit projects, and each of our audit reports meets unique client needs. We commit to providing excellent services to our clients, and it is proved by our history that we not only meet customer expectations but often exceed them. However, with a dedicated team focused on your success, you can be confident that your project is in capable hands. So, attain our SEO audit service in Pakistan and stay successful.

Result Driven Internet Marketing Agency in Pakistan

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70% of consumers research online SEO drives 53% of website traffic. Video increases engagement by 1200%. Email marketing has 42:1 ROI. Social media influences 71% of purchases.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Social Media Marketing

  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Brand Management
  • Doctors Social Media
  • School/Collages/Uni Social Media
  • Resturants Social Media
  • Beauty Parlors/Salons/SPA Social Media
  • Travel agency/tourisum Social Media
  • Real Estate/Construction Social Media

Social Media Advertisement

Link Building Services in Pakistan

  • Digital PR Outreach
  • HARO Link Building
  • Guest Posting Services

Content Marketing

Reputation Management

  • Reputation Management Software
  • Social Media Reputation Management
  • Online Reputation Repair

Media Production

  • Video Production
  • Video Testimonial Services
  • Product Photography Services
  • Drone Video and Photography Services

Web Design and Development

  • Branding Services
  • Custom Website Design
  • WordPress Website Design
  • Website Hosting

Coversion Rate Optimization

  • CRO Audits
  • User Experience Testing
  • User Behavior Analytics

eCommerce Marketing

  • eCommerce SEO
  • eCommerce PPC
  • eCommerce Optimization
  • Shopify SEO
  • Shopify Web Design
  • eCommerce Web Design

Online Marketing Place Marketing

  • Amazon SEO
  • Amazon Advertising/PPC
  • Amazon Storefront & Branding
  • Amazon Seller Consulting
  • Amazon Posts Management
  • Amazon DSP Advertising Management
  • Walmart Marketplace
  • Target Plus Marketplace

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